Senior Program

Senior Program Mission

Our mission is to improve and enhance the lives of adults age 50 and better in St. Louis Park and surrounding communities. We will do this by:

  1. Offering a variety of programs including social, recreational, physical and educational opportunities
  2. Striving to provide cooperative programs with other service providers and being a resource to members
  3. Having a warm and welcoming environment

The St. Louis Park Senior Program, based at Lenox Community Center, is operated through a partnership between the City of St. Louis Park and St. Louis Park Community Education.  

Senior Program and Enrichment Classes

We are pleased to offer many in person and online classes! Flip through the pages of the Newscaster online below or click here to see full class descriptions, instructor bios, and register online!

The Fall Newscaster is here!

Click through the pages of the Newscaster to see all of the events, activities and classes we have planned for you!

Pick up a hard copy in the Lenox Main Office.

Get your Metro Dining Cards!

This popular fundraiser for the St. Louis Park Senior Program offers discount dining with your choice of boxed sets from either the Minneapolis/West Metro or Anoka/Northwest areas. For just $30/box, you will receive over $10,000 in discounts while supporting area restaurants as well as our Senior Program! These make great gifts – so buy one or more!  For more information, call the Lenox Front Office at 952-928-6442.

Teach a class

Would you like to teach a Community Education course?
Contact Becky Bormann at and she will be happy to visit with you about your ideas.